quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013

Indie Game Marketing

Since we developed our first games, Happy Sheep and Demonball, without knowing anything about the marketing process on game development, and after talking to other indie game developers, we've learned a few things.

Developing the game is only half the challenge for having a successful game, it can be a great game, like some android games we found and played made by indie developers using AndEngine  like we do, but they didnt worked the marketing angle, so they're games went into the oblivion. Just like Happy Sheep and Demonball, we're not saying our games are great games, they're our first atempts in the game developing business, both are nice, simple and fun games, like the reviews we had on Happy Sheep say so (just see our older posts) and we've seen a lot worse in Google Play Store with thousands if not millions of downloads, so whats the difference between a successful game and a game that goes on into the oblivion? In one word: Marketing.

Now that we know this, we're not going to pretend to be marketing experts, not by a long shot, we're hoping that our next game, in which we're working on right now, no spoilers for the moment ;) we'll make a better job in the marketing part, for that, we've been reading, and reading, and learning, and keep on reading, thats why I decided to write this post, to put here some great links from people that know more about the subject than me, that other indie game developers might be interested:

Hope this helps, feel free to coment, if you have a link for a good marketing resource that can be added here, or any other idea about the subject :)

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